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Our Mission

The BB Energy Foundation is dedicated to investing in the education, health, and overall wellbeing of women and children in countries affected by poverty. Through strategic partnerships with not-for-profit organisations, we aim to create positive and sustainable change in communities where we operate.


Our five values underpin everything we do

“The BB Energy Foundation is dedicated to investing in the education, health, and overall well-being of women and children in countries affected by poverty.”

Perihan Bassatne

BB Energy Foundation Chair


A million dollar annual pledge

BB Energy pledges a minimum of USD $1 million annually to support the Foundation’s initiatives aimed at improving the lives of women and children in poverty-affected communities.

Why action is needed globally


Girls not in education


Children engaged in child labour


Children live in extreme poverty


Of the poorest people in the world are women and children

Source: UNESCO, the International Labour Organization and UNICEF

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